Cross-sector "Co-Innovation" Program 〜セクター横断の「共創イノベーション」プログラム
Dominik Scherrer 氏 来日記念イベントへのご招待
〜セクター横断の「共創イノベーション」プログラムのご紹介〜このたび、フューチャーセッションズは、スイスに本拠を置く ecloo 社と連携し、「共創イノベーショ ン(Co-Innovation)」プログラムを立ち上げます。フューチャーセッションズは、企業、行政、NPO の セクターを越えた対話と協業による新規事業創造、参加型プロセス構築のためのファシリテーションプ ロジェクトを通じて、より良い社会の実現に向けた活動を行ってきました。一方 ecloo 社は、世界中の企 業と NGO に対し、継続的なコラボレーション能力向上のためのサポートプログラムを提供してきました。
Cross-sector "Co-Innovation" Program
--- Lecture in commemoration of the visit of Mr. Dominik Scherrer
Future Sessions and ecloo are co-creating an offer to help people and organizations to collaborate across sectors to solve their most pressing problems in order to have a positive impact at all levels. Below event is addressing people from all sectors to start exploring the following question: What if corporations, NGOs and governments could help each other become more innovative to solve business, economic, social and environmental problems?
- Get participants excited about the opportunities of cross sector collaboration.
- Make cross sector collaboration tangible through stories going beyond the classical donor – “donee” relationship.
- Show how cross sector collaboration can help anticipate the future and plan accordingly.
- Make the power of cross sector collaboration tangible.
- 開催日時
2015/10/07 (水)
19:00 ~ 21:00 - 応募締切日時
- 2015/09/25 (金) 12:00
- 会場名
- CULTURE表参道2F CTW内 フューチャーセッションズ
- 住所
- 東京都渋谷区神宮前5-12-7
- > google mapで表示
- 定員
- 25 人
- 参加費
- 無料
- 主催者
Future Sessions & ecloo
We like to invite around 24 participants from Companies, NGOs/NPOs, and Governments, which are interested in cross-sector innovation. We'll carefully curate participants to take the balance between sectors.
- 19:00-19:10
Why cross sector collaboration?
Presentation and Brief Story Telling (10') by Mr. Dominik Scherrer
- 10分
- 19:10-19:30
Sharing Knowledge, Insights about the Present and Creating a Better Understanding for each other (Empathy) (20’):
What issues about your business or organization keep you awake at night? Learning from each other in pairs or mixed groups. Dialogue (deep listening, suspend judgement, respect differences, etc.). Different dialogue exercises possible e.g.: Person 1 explains main challenges in his or her area, Person 2 repeats what the Person 1 has said until it is clearly understood. Then Person 2 explains main issues in his or her area, Person 3 summarizes to see if he or she understood, etc. For this exercise 4 or 5 people per group with report back in plenary at the end: What have you learned from others? What are your new insights for you?
- 20分
- 19:30-20:10
グループ対話(Group Dialog)
Helping Relationship as the basis of Collaboration (Reflection on Empathy) (30’):
In a form of speed dating set up, participants explore the following questions each time with a different person:
- Describe a moment when you helped someone and the help you provided was helpful. (4’ – 2 times 2’ per person)
- Describe a moment when you tried to provide help unsuccessfully. (4’ – 2 times 2’ per person)
- Describe a moment when you needed help from someone and it did not work out. (4’ – 2 times 2’ per person)
- Describe
a moment when you received help and it was successful. (4’ – 2 times 2’ per
After each round, summarize main insights along the lines of the following questions:
- What made it possible for the help to be given resp. received successfully?
- What hindered help being delivered?
- How is help critical in collaboration?
- What could help look like in cross sector collaboration?
Short Summary Presentation at the end of the Helping Relationship.
- 30分
休憩(Short Break)
- 10分
- 20:10-20:40
Problem Solving (Empathy in Action for the Present) (30’):
Participants form groups of 8 to 10 people. Each group appoints one group member who will bring in his or her case. The rest of the group then collaborates with the problem “sponsor” to do a root cause analysis using the 5 WHYs and brainstorm solutions (on a grid of impact and difficulty of implementation).
Brief report back by each group on their experience along the following questions:
- How did it feel to bring in a problem to a group not familiar with your issue?
- How did you leverage different perspectives to come to possible solutions?
- How are the problems discussed relevant for each of the sectors?
- 30分
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